Adjusting Your Service Area Settings

Setting Your Service Radius In Ten Simple Steps

On, you’re in complete control of your service area. We never want to send you leads outside of the areas that you service. That’s why we’ve built out robust tools so that you can dial in the exact areas you want to service, and leave out the areas you don’t.


Service areas can be set one of two ways:

  1. In your Location settings
    1. This option is best for easily adding a service radius to a handful of locations.
  2. As a bulk upload
    1. This option is best for managing many locations, or large or intricate service areas (around cities for example).


To update the service area for individual locations:

  1. Log into your account. Trouble logging in? Please refer to this guide.
  2. Click “LOCATIONS” in the top navigation bar.
  3. Click the “Edit” button next to the location you wish to edit

    *Note: This guide assumes you have already set up a location profile and Service Settings. If you haven’t done so yet, please follow our Creating or Making Changes to Your Location Profile Guide, or Adjusting Service Settings Guide first.

  4. Scroll down to the Zip Codes section
    • Zip codes can be added individually or by radius,
      1. To add a single zip code:
        1. Click the dropdown menu under “Add zip codes”
        2. Choose “By Number”
        3. Enter the zip code you wish to add in the field to the right
        4. Click the blue “Add” button
        5. Click “Save Location” at the bottom of the page
      2. To add zip codes by radius:
        1. Ensure the dropdown menu under “Add zip codes” is set to “By Radius”
        2. In the second field, enter the radius around your shop which you service.
          Note: this number represents, in miles, how far from your shop’s local zip code you will travel to complete work.
        3. In the third field, ensure the zip code where your shop is located is entered.
        4. Click the blue “Add” button
        5. Click “Save Location” at the bottom of the page
  • To further customize your service area, individual zip codes can be deleted from the zip code list by clicking the “X” to the right of the zip code.
    1. To delete all zip codes and start fresh, click the “Clear all” button.
  • Be sure to click “Save Location” after making any changes.


To update the service area using a bulk upload:

  1. Log into your account. Trouble logging in? Please refer to this guide.
  2. Click the “ACCOUNT” dropdown menu.
  3. Click “Zip Codes”
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the “Export Zip Codes” button
    • This will download a CSV file to your computer
  5. Once the CSV file has finished downloading, open the CSV file using a CSV file editor, such as Microsoft Excel.
  6. If you have previously set service zip codes, the existing data will populate in the spreadsheet. If you have not previously set service zip codes, the data fields will be empty.
    • Column A will contain the location name (labeled in row 1)
    • Column B will contain the corresponding zip code in service for this location (labeled in row 1)
  7. To edit existing data, simply add or remove the rows of data that need to be updated.
  8. To import new data, simply add the zip codes you wish to service in column B and add the matching location that services each zip code in column A.
    • Note: Each zip code in column B must have a corresponding location in column A.
    • Important: The location name must exactly match the location name listed in the LOCATIONS section of your account dashboard.
  9. Save the file
    • Ensure it saves as a CSV file format.
  10. Click the green “Import Zip Codes” button on the Manage ZIP Codes page within your Account Dashboard
  11. Select the saved file from your computer.
  12. Once the file has finished uploading, the page will return a success or error message.
    • Error messages may contain helpful information about why the error occurred.

Here are some common reasons that zip code file upload errors occur, and their solutions:

  • The file is not a CSV file
    • Re-save the file in the proper format
  • The location name in column A doesn’t exactly match the location name found in the LOCATIONS section of your Account Dashboard.
    • Reference the LOCATIONS section of your account dashboard. Copy and paste the location name into the spreadsheet so it matches exactly. Re-save and re-upload the file.
  • The zip code list contains zip codes that don’t exist
    • Use the error information to determine what zip code is invalid. Delete the row containing the zip code from the list. Re-save the file and attempt the upload again. Repeat this process until all invalid zip codes have been removed.
  • The file contains values in column A that don’t have corresponding values in column B, or vise-versa.
    • Remove the row with the missing value, or add the missing value to the empty cell. Re-save and re-upload the file.

If you’re corrected the issues above and are still have trouble uploading your custom zip code list, please send an email to
That’s it for this section!


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