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Katherine Coig


Katherine (Kat) Coig, editor of Window Film Magazine, is a graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University, with a bachelor of science in grammar and English. She is responsible for WINDOW FILM magazine, its e-newsletter, and the award winning FILM’d newscast. As assistant editor of USGlass magazine, she travels to industry events, and writes news and feature articles for the publication. In her spare time, Kat loves to paint (acrylics), and she too is a runner and also has a new-found love of boxing.

Posts by Katherine Coig

Low-Quality Lidar Keeps Self-Driving Cars in the Slow Lane

January 18, 2018

Would you be comfortable taking a ride in a self-driving car? If you’ve got hesitation, you’re not alone. According to a recent Gartner Consumer Trends in Automotive survey, 55 percent of the consumers it surveyed aren’t on board with letting technology takeover completely. Learn about self-driving cars and Lidar.

Spontaneous Windshield Breakage

July 24, 2017

One of Kelly Blue Book’s top picks for best family car, the Subaru Outback (a multi-year winner), is currently the subject of a lawsuit. The reason? Spontaneous windshield breakage. It sounds unlikely, but numerous Outback and Legacy owners have filed complaints with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) regarding the issue. The manufacturer responded […]

Automotive Glass Technological Advancements

July 21, 2017

Auto manufacturers are all about integrative technology these days. From self-driving vehicles to vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication, giants in the auto industry are getting innovative, and fast. If you’ve found yourself asking, “What will they come up with next?” Well, the answer could be right out your window: interactive glass and power-generating solar panels.

When Hail Damages Your Windshield

July 21, 2017

While a hail storm can sometimes be harmless, other times, it can be quite destructive. It can leave in its wake shattered windshields and numerous auto glass insurance claims. Take, for example, the recent hailstorm that ravaged the Denver, Colo., metro area in early May 2017.

Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and Mirrors

May 10, 2017

Well, it’s 2017, and the world isn’t quite what was depicted on the 1960’s futuristic sitcom The Jetsons. But, that doesn’t mean the auto industry isn’t headed that way. Take, for example, the advancements made in automated driver assist systems (ADAS). With smart technology in full stride, will basic safety features on cars, such as side-view mirrors, become obsolete?

The 411 on Automotive Mirrors

April 20, 2017

Ever wondered why the phrase “objects may be closer than they appear” has been included on nearly all side view mirrors since the ‘70s? It may not happen as often as a crack or chip on your windshield does, but damage to side-view and rearview mirrors does happen—probably more frequently than we realize. Here’s the 411 on all things automotive mirrors.

Automotive Glass Gets Interactive

February 7, 2017

Glass has become an everyday part of life—from the windows in our homes and offices to the windshields of our automobiles. And while you may not think twice about the glass touch screen on your cell phone or tablet, what if your windshield was just as interactive?

What Type of Windshield Chips Can be Repaired?

January 5, 2017

A rock has nicked your windshield. Can the glass be repaired? Let's look at a couple of key factors that play into repairing, as opposed to replacing, a damaged windshield.