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Car Window Won’t Roll Up? Don’t Get Caught in the Rain!

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A common glass-related issue many drivers face is a car window will not roll up or down properly. This is something encountered on both new and old cars alike- even those equipped with manual windows! So what to do? First, you need to determine why the window isn’t functioning.

Why Won’t My Window Roll Up or Down?

There could be several causes, so take a close look at how the window is behaving to determine this. Here are a few things to look for:

Is the problem isolated to just one window, or more than one?

Does the window move at all?

Does it function in one direction but not the other?

Does it function sometimes but not always?

Do you hear any odd noises when it operates?

Does it appear to roll down at an odd angle and get “stuck”?

If you answered “yes” to any of the first four questions, it is likely your car window will not roll up due to an electrical issue. This in itself could be caused by many factors. In the first or second instance, it may be something as simple as a dead battery or blown fuse. It could also be something a bit harder to access like a bad switch, faulty window motor, or melted wire, any of which could cause intermittent or permanent issues.

If you answer “yes” to either of the last two questions, there is a chance that the window has dislodged from its track. The windows in your vehicle are similar to the ones in your home and move up and down within a track to provide smooth and consistent operation. If the window falls off the track, it likely will not roll up or down completely, and possibly do so at an odd angle. It may also make a scraping noise which means the glass is rubbing on something it shouldn’t be inside the door. If this is the case, avoid moving the window at all to avoid damage.



What To Do If Your Window Won’t Roll Up or Roll Down

If you are a handy person and the car window will not roll up or down at all, you may want to start with the basics and check the battery and fuse box. If this doesn’t do the trick and you’re a bit more adventurous, you can use a service manual, such as those made by Chilton or Haynes , along with plastic trim removal tools to take the door panel off and investigate what’s going on beneath the surface. At best, these are tricky to get apart. And the risk of breaking an expensive trim piece is high for those who are less experienced.

Tresalto Auto Trim Removal Set for Windows
Tresalto Auto Trim Removal Tool Set (5 Pk)
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Your best bet is to locate a glass shop in your area and have a professional diagnose the problem. These men and women deal with issues like this on a dialy basis and really know the ins and outs of a vehicle. So don’t get stuck with your window down the next time it rains- make an appointment with an expert to have to problem diagnosed and fixed today!

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Daniel Snow

Daniel Snow serves as the Vice President of Operations for and is also a contributing editor. He earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management from George Mason University and has a background in the real estate industry. After high school, Daniel even worked at a family-owned glass shop for a short period of time and is an Auto Glass Safety Council certified installer. In his free time, Daniel enjoys being outdoors, especially around the water where he can be found surfing, fishing, and boating. He has a passion for bringing old vehicles back to life and loves working with his hands to restore cars, boats, and motorcycles. Find out more about Daniel on Linkedin.

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