Furniture Glass Replacement

The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) developed specifications for glass used horizontally for tables and desks. Annealed glass, sometimes referred to as non-tempered or common glass, typically breaks into large, sharp and jagged pieces which can cause severe injury and even lead to death. Because of this, standards for glass used in furniture needed to be developed. The ASTM developed standards for glass used in furniture which requires that tempered glass, rather than annealed glass, be used in the construction of furniture. Toughened glass regulations for furniture minimize the risk of injury in the event that the furniture glass is broken. More information regarding the standard can be found on ASTM International’s website.

The specific ASTM regulation that sets forth standards for glass in furniture is ASTM F2813 Standard Specification for Glass Used as a Horizontal Surface in Desks and Tables. The regulation details the requirements toughened glass regulations for furniture. ASTM has PDF and hardcopy versions available for purchase.