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What is Soundproof Glass?

A women with brown hair sits at a desk on one side of sound proof glass. As a man with glasses, wearing large headphones smiles at her from the other side of the glass.
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Dear Glass Detective,

What is soundproof glass?

Wakefield, MA

People looking through soundproof glass

About Soundproof Glass

Dear Steve,

Thank you for contacting the Glass Detective with your question asking what soundproof glass is.  I would like to begin answering this by changing the term from “soundproof” to “sound reducing” or “sound-absorbing”. Depending on the level of sound being generated, there really is no practical “soundproof glass”. This term is similar to “bulletproof glass”, which is also a misnomer.

There certainly are glass assemblies that can greatly help in the reduction of sound transmission.  There are also framing systems that are used in combination with sound reducing glass. Sometimes the right glass is installed, but the right frames are not.

Typically the glass assemblies being used for sound reduction are made using multiple layers of glass (often in varying thicknesses) and are laminated together with PVB  interlayers. Having been involved with a number of airports and office glazing projects next to railroad tracks and highways, I can absolutely verify that the right glass approach will work when it comes to sound reduction or elimination. What I will suggest is that you identify a good glass contractor in your area and work with them to determine exactly what would be best for you and the installation application you are considering. can help with this. Simply submit your project specs to I hope this is of some help to you and thank you again for calling an audible to

The Glass Detective.

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Lyle Hill

Lyle Hill has been in the glass and metal industry for more than 40 years. In this time he has managed glass retail, contract glazing, mirror, architectural window, window film, and automotive glass businesses throughout America. He obtained an MBA from IIT with a focus on Technology and Engineering Management. Hill is also a columnist for glass industry trade magazines and often called the “face” of the glass industry. He has also authored books including “The Broken Tomato and Other Business Parables,” which is available through Amazon. Find out more about Lyle on Linkedin.

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