Looking for Information About Glass Codes and Regulations?

Glass.com has compiled a list of glass regulations, glass safety, quality and standards. The glass safety regulations have been broken into three categories including auto glass codes and regulations, door hardware codes and regulations, and furniture glass codes and regulations.


Auto Glass quality and safety standards are important for consumers to be aware of. Many don’t know that the windshield they looks through every day is an integral component of their vehicle’s passenger retention system in the event of a crash. For this reason, it is important that certain glass quality standards are met to ensure driver and passenger safety.

The Auto Glass Safety Council (AGSC) has developed standards for safe automotive glass replacement and is accredited to do so by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). The standards cover product guidelines, installation procedures and technician education.


You might not have every considered it, but the door, lock and other hardware on your home’s doors serve very integral purposes and must operate flawlessly for thousands of repetitions over its lifetime. These pieces of door hardware must keep intruders out, but also let occupants exit in the event of an emergency. Luckily, there is an association in place to ensure door hardware is safe for the general public.

Since 1925 the Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association (BHMA) has been ensuring that building hardware such as handles, latches and hinges are safe for the general public. BHMA works with industry leaders and politicians to improve industry products.


Accidents happen. If the glass tabletop or shelf in your home were to break, you would want it to break into small rounded pieces of glass rather than large, sharp jagged pieces of glass. That is why safety glass regulations are in place. The use of safety glass, also known as tempered glass, in furniture has greatly reduced residential glass-related injuries and deaths.

The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) is a global standards organization that defines and sets standards across a multitude of markets and has developed glass standards defining what is safe to use in furniture manufacturing.