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Are Argon Gas Filled Insulated Windows Worth The Cost?

December 3, 2020

One of the most frequently asked questions consumers have when purchasing a new window for their home is whether or not Argon gas filling is worth the cost in insulating glass units. Argon gas is added to the spacer within the glass unit and designed to increase insulation. Depending on the size and type of […]

What Causes Condensation on My Windows?

September 16, 2019

Join the Glass Detective as he takes on the Case of the Condensation Concern. Learn about what causes condensation on the outside of new triple-pane windows and more.

Insulated Glass Info

May 30, 2019

The Glass Detective takes on the case of The Inquisitive Insulation. What are insulating glass units and what are the benefits? The Glass Detective answers these questions along with what the industry standards are. Find out more!

The Case of the Best Insulating Window

June 28, 2018

The Glass Detective takes on the case of the best insulating window where he will determine which window types will offer both energy efficiency and noise reduction. Find out more here.